Legal research tool
Revolutionize your B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· research with the innovation and accuracy of Westlaw Edge Canada with CoCounsel
Find exactly what you need B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·” faster than ever before B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·” with a vast collection of cases and commentary paired with CoCounsel, the first professional-grade generative AI assistant

A legacy of accurate B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· research combined with innovative improvements in search technology

Make well-informed decisions with AI-Assisted Research
Get relevant answers to your B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· research questions with AI-Assisted Research. Verify the results using links to trusted Westlaw authority so you can make better-informed decisions and complete the remainder of your research more efficiently.
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Be confident that you are citing good law with KeyCite Overruling Risk
Save time by avoiding a manual review of the cases you're citing. KeyCite is the only citator that warns you when a point of law in a case has been implicitly undermined based on its reliance on an overruled or otherwise invalid prior decision.
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Use Judicial Consideration for Statutes to quickly find relevant cases
Access an editorially created list of cases that interpret statutes and meaningfully explain and clarify legislation. Save time by avoiding sifting through all the Citing References to determine what is relevant to you.
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Easily build detailed outlines
Open Outline Builder side by side with a document you find while researching without ever leaving Westlaw Edge Canada with CoCounsel. Drag and drop important text or citations directly into your outline.
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See how Westlaw Edge Canada can help your specific organization
Law firm
Build strong arguments with practical research tools for evaluation, pleading preparation, arguing motions, trial preparation, and more.
Make connections that would be traditionally hard to find during B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· research and learn what the best actions would be moving forward.
Review legislative insights to analyze, categorize, and summarize the law with greater accuracy and efficiency.
The value of Westlaw Edge Canada with CoCounsel
Experience the next generation of technology to power complex B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· research tasks
Discover how Westlaw Edge Canada with CoCounsel expedites the research experience with access to generative AI, predictive analysis, statutory interpretation, expert annotations, and customizable alerts. The user-friendly interface allows B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ· professionals to find credible, authoritative content quickly without compromising accuracy and quality.
B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·œClients assume lawyers know the entirety of the law, which of course we donB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™t. But with AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Edge Canada with CoCounsel, we can get rapid answers, often while on that same call with the client! Research turnaround time and cost are drastically reduced. Plain and simple, it makes you look good with clients and it's a new requirement for the practice of law."
Evan Edwards, Associate
Duboff Edwards Schachter LC
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